Sploosh Sunday Story - Wedding Jacket

He sat down next to me at the banquet table. I was already a little drunk. We've already small talked each other. I thought our conversation was finished. That I was only going to get glances at him at the wedding. Yet there he was, next to me. We talked again. My stomach dazzled in delight. During the first toast he said something funny in my ear. I drunkenly laugh, playfully slapping his thigh. I froze because my hand just stuck there. It didn't move. I was locked on his thigh. His smile stayed the same, but his eyes got even more playful. My hand slid further up his thigh. His eyes bulged but he didn't protest. My hand continued to go up further. This time to a dead, hard stop at his cock. I wrapped my hand around him, pulling the fabric of his pants until my palm slowly heated with a blaze, only to be put out with the first toast ending.

Soon another toast began. All eyes were on the center of the room when he leaned in my ear and whispered if I could make this toast not boring too. His warm hand grabbed my naked inner thigh under my dress. I didn't think, I didn't even remember pulling his zipper down. His cock was in my hand and hard enough to cut glass. Not once did I look at him, instead I pretended to listen to the toast while gratifying him under the table cloth.

Stroking him slow, I made sure his cock squeezed through my firm fingers slowly. I spread his precum around his head, my fingers had the grace of an ice dancer before jacking him off again with firm control.

The crowd began to clap and cheer, the toast was over. But I did not let go of him to clap at a speech I paid no attention to. He snapped at my wrist, stopping me mid-stroke.

"I can't cum here," he said.
"Sure you can," I said back, playfully.
"It will mess up my suit." He has fully control of my wrist and could easily take me off him. Yet he didn't, handing over the decision of his pant's fate to me.

I thought about how much fun it would be to see him excuse himself to clean up, or worse, possibly get caught. But mercy crept in my brain and I let go.

He discretely packaged his cock away and took several gulps of water before looking at me again.

"Can we see each other tonight when this is all over?" he begged.
I smiled and said, "No."

My book Strapped for Survival and the bonus story Wine Not are available now -


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